
Jordan Harvey

Dear Steadward Centre Para Swim Participants and Volunteers, We are thrilled to announce that our fundraiser - Going the Distance, was a huge success! Thanks to your collaborative and inclusive efforts, we were able to bring our wonderful community together and exceed our goal by raising over $15000 (exact numbers will be coming shortly). It was great to see such a fantastic turn out and witness everyone reaching their swimming goals. This achievement is a testament to your hard work and dedication. We would like to express our sincere gratitude...

Jordan Harvey

Watch our interview with CTV here:

Jordan Harvey

Our very own Connor Bissett and Laura Harvey were interviewed by journalist Adrianna MacPherson for an awesome article in Folio! Here is the link:

Jordan Harvey

Our interview with Global News Edmonton promoting our most recent fundraising initiative Going The Distance! Watch here:

Laura Harvey

Please read the Steadward Bears Newsletter for March 2023 /scuoa/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/march-2023-newsletter_045517.pdf

Laura Harvey

Please Enjoy the Steadward bears Para Swim Newsletter for February 2023!! /scuoa/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/february-newletter-2023_038184.pdf

Laura Harvey

Please Read the Steadward Bears Para Swim Newsletter for December, 2022 /scuoa/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/ken-demchuck-newsletter_092053.pdf

GoMotion App

We are proud to announce that our new website is officially live. We will be using the site as our community communication hub. Come here regularly to look for upcoming events, registration information, meet sign-ups, information about Para Swimming, Newsletters, etc :)